Clicking on many of the pictures enlarges them and provides extra information. The models are usually attributed to the builder.
The Guild is always interested in preventing good Meccano going to waste. If you
have any Meccano to re-
Click “Exhibitions” for a calendar of our events. Or “Event Details” for information about individual ones.
Click “North West” for information about Meccano on display and Meccano related locations in the North West of England.
Guild Meeting, 19th. March 2016.
About 23 members attended the meeting including three new recruits. The available space was filled with a wide variety of models, some of which are shown below.
Thompson House,
Three members exhibited here, which is a charity devoted to providing animal based activities for disabled children. We expected to be rather cold in a polytunnel but the sun was out and we roasted. We were in the same place as a model railway which would have handed out 700 tickets had they not run out. A lot of interest was shown in spite of the Meccanoids having difficulty with the Wigan accent. Some of the models are shown below.
At this event the visitors provided as much interest as the exhibitors. Dr. Who and numerous Star War characters turned up. Chris. Harris brought his Daleks who were allowed to squirt water. Dick Watson brought a collection of space themed outfit models and a 1979 and a 2015 Meccanoid. The latter was very popular although its understanding of Lancastrian was rather lacking.
Ellenroad Steam Museum, 3rd. April 2016.
Only two members were able to come but, never-
News of Events in Early 2016
The latest appear first.
Smallwood Vintage Rally, Nr. Sandbach, 28th. to 30th. May.
Two members exhibited at this event, which, as might be expected from its location, featured a large number of heavy goods vehicles as well as old stationary engines, vintage cars and performing JCBs. Fine weather meant large crowds, particularly on Sunday. No electricity limited our display but the Plastic Meccano Meccanograph nearly ran out of paper and numerous models were made. Roger’s Warehouse could be hand operated with some difficulty and other hand powered models were popular.
A selection of the Plastic Meccano is shown below.
Oswestry 18th. & 19th. June 2016.
In spite of the weather during the previous week, this event had none of the problems experienced at a major event elsewhere. The provision of paved roads and the attendance of only a few heavy vehicles undoubtedly helped. However, we did miss some of the stalls and people that we expected to see. We filled 5 tables with models and used another three for the construction of numerous Plastic Meccano models. Unfortunately, only a mobile phone was available to take pictures, but it is hoped that a video will become available.